Whoever thinks Jakarta is a craphole wich everyone should avoid is sooooo wrong! When the guys of FIXIETAS JAKARTA took us for a ride, Jakarta could not be more awesome. Cruising our way trough the rush hour is an experience we will never forget. We saw the hectic city from a whole other perspective…
Starting from Jakarta’s crowded centre, we found our way trhough the rush hour traffic by bike. In stead of napping in a cab waiting to finally arrive at your destination, we were criss-crossing the streets!
We were extremely lucky the guys of ROCKET were kind enough to lend us 2 of their bikes. Totally surprised when the FIXIETAS guys took us to a parking garage to go get our bikes, we arrived at a fixed gear paradise where bikes were old school customized and motorcycles were designed/restored.
The shop is definately worth a stop! Find them at Lot 14, SCBD, Bengkel Basement, in Sudirman, Jakarta.
photo’s by: Karfianda Suryoutoro, Manoah Biesheuvel, Ellen Biesheuvel
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