is traveling a solution to deal with stress?

Nature makes you calm.


Planning a holiday or a trip should be a happy time. It can be a challenge to decide where you want to go or how to afford it all. Besides, booking hotels and tickets can be overwhelming sometimes!

True, planning a trip can be stressful. Yet the reason why we feel the urge to get away for a few weeks can be even more stress related. Do you experience a lot of pressure at work or at school? Maybe you have a lot of stress in your private life… If so, there’s a good chance you would like to take a plane to get away from it all. Is booking a flight the ultimate solution to deal with stress or are there other ways to tackle a stressful lifestyle more thoroughly?


  • Try to cope with one day at a time. Sure, planning your future is wise but why stress too much about what might even won’t happen.
  • Set reasonable standards. Try not to be a perfectionist, be modest and know your limitations and acknowledge them – set boundaries. By doing this you will encourage even greater succes.
  • Keep your sense of  humor. Have a good laugh, it’s good for stress relieve and it will brighten your mood instantly!
  • Take care of your health. Eat healthy, drink water and make sure you sleep well. Your body needs all of this to process daily impressions. Which are a LOT!
  • Persue a Balanced lifestyle. A quote I love: “Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of hard work and chasing after the wind.”​
Taco in Mexico

Eat healthy to reduce stress: Small avocado, red union and beef taco.

“Never be anxious about the next day,

because the next day will have its own anxieties.”​

All photography by Manoah Biesheuvel