by | mei 22, 2013 | MOOIE PLEKKEN

The wandering we do in cities takes us places we couldn’t imagine the day before. A good example is The Gentlemens Press in Singapore. When we visited Singapore last year we were looking for special businesses and cool initiatives. I took a peek in an alley and saw an awesome studio with two young girls in it. The studio was well decorated and I was dying to find out what they were up to!

Turns out these two are running a press. Not just an ordinary press like we all know here, they are still valluing the authentic way of printing. They showed us how they work a really old press (I can’t remember the exact year) and how they search antique shops for old attributes to work with.
Not to long ago I noticed this video about The Gentlemens Press sharing their story, their goals and their vision. I love the way Michelle thinks about impulsivity! More people around the globe should follow her example of doing what their hearts tells ‘m to and go do what you love most! Watch this inspiring video about an inspiring, inpulsive business.

Michelle Yu, The Gentlemen’s Press from anotherbeautifulstory on Vimeo.